My Collection

JavaScript/API Projects:

Weather App Screenshot
Weather Dashboard

Third-party API powered weather forecast application that provides the user information about local real-time weather and five-day weather forecasts. Core technologies used: HTML5; Bootstrap; JavaScript

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Daily Planner Screenshot
Work Day Scheduler

Application utilizing JQuery and Moment.js to provide the user a dynamic day planner, allowing the user to enter to-do tasks into hourly time blocks and save the to-do's for later access. Core technologies used: HTML5; Bootstrap; JavaScript

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HOMEMADE App Screenshot

Third-party API powered interactive application where the user is provided with dinner recipes and regional music, based on user selection. Core technologies/frameworks used: Materialize, JavaScript, various third-party APIs.

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Charity-Finder Screenshot
Non-Profit Finder

Third-party API powered financial data application that provides the user information about selected not-for-profit companies, based on a user's search parameters. Core technologies used: HTML5; Materialize; JavaScript

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Server-Side and Full-Stack Projects:

Team Generator gif
Team Generator

A Node.js command line application that uses Javascript coding, html templates and CSS/Bootcamp styling to generate a final HTML file showing a simulated software engineering team. Core technologies used: Node.js

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Burger app image

A web application that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat and then devour them. Core technologies used: Node.js/Express.js, MySQL

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Tourzing app image

A full-stack application that lets users sign up for a tour, based on a listing of tour guides and rate their experience. Core technologies used: Node.js/Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize, Handlebars

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Note taker app image
Note Taker

An application that allows the user to create short, pertinent notes for the user, based on business context needs. This application uses an Express.js backend, saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file. Core technologies used: Node.js/Express.js, Javascript

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